Private equity

Private Equity

This research aims to highlight the current state of the private equity market in Africa, and trends in prices paid for private equity assests over time.

By price range

Transactions in South Africa occur predominantly in the 2.5x-5x bracket, whereas the remainder of Africa has a clear majority in the higher brackets. The African multiples that exceeded the highest South African multiple did so on average by 32% and the place of investment for the majority of these was West Africa.

According to the 2018 Deloitte SAVCA Africa Private Equity Confidence Survey, most respondents expect entry multiples on transactions across Africa to increase or remain the same over the next 12 months due to increased competition in investments. Increased interest is expected to drive increased competition by DFIs in East Africa and the recovery of the oil price and improved foreign exchange liquidity in the West Africa region.

Transaction multiples increase with size Download the graph PDF (26KB)